Paintings and Photography
"Painting is a religious occupation" (F. Hundertwasser) I was born in Berlin on October 24th in 1964 and grew up near Stuttgart, Germany and Winchester, England. I studied Ethnology/African culture and languages in Saarbrücken and Berlin, graduating in 1994. In addition to my university studies, I trained as an actress, focusing on improvisation. I have worked as an Italian interpreter on large construction sites and as a press officer in theatre. I am based in Berlin and spend part of the year travelling and painting in Central America. I am a Self-taught / Outsider artist and I am proud of it. I started painting in 1996 while I was working as a volunteer in a children's hospital in Haiti for Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (NPH). Since 2000, I have been painting mainly angels and mythical beings from various cultures. Painting is a way to communicate with "upstairs", painting is the expression of being guided, painting is my way of spiritual learning, which is not connected to or inspired by any religion or spiritual movement, but a purely personal thing. Between 2009 and 2018 I have been working on a series of paintings called the "Seven Deadly Sins" created in Belize and Guatemala. The series of the Seven Deadly Sins, or the "Mysterious and Mighty Creatures fighting against the Seven Deadly Sins" and "Mashimom's Daughters" has been inspired by my observations of life on a small island in Belize. In 2019, after a year of severe sickness, I started the series "one-winged angels", which were on display at Spectrum/red Dot Miami, USA. Exhibitions and Gallery activities: Since 2002 I have organized over 15 solo and group shows in Germany, France, Belize and New York, USA, including an exhibition at St. Michel d'Aiguilhe, Le-Puy-en-Velay, France (chapel built in 962 AD) and also at Dock Street Gallery, San Pedro, Belize. As I gained a lot of experience by organizing my own exhibitions I decided to promote also other self-taught artist friends and founded Zero-B-Charity-Art-Sales, a non-profit international online and studio-gallery in 2015. In April 2017 I have been exhibiting at Artexpo SOLO New York showing a selection of paintings of the series of The Seven Deadly Sins. Vita: page 1/4 | next |